Saturday, March 22, 2014

February Date Night

I love our small group!  Have I ever mentioned them before?  If/when we have to move, that will be the hardest and saddest parts about a new journey.  If God calls us away on a new journey, I would be excited and sad all at the same time.  I think it's normal to have those feelings when you get so attached to people.  God created us in His image and we are relational.  God is relational and desires a relationship with us.  We have to have relationships with others. No wonder he uses the comparison of marriage and children so much.  Our small group is our family and I can't imagine our life without them.

So February date night was hosted by the Caldwells.  They are our longest friendship here in Raleigh.  We've been in the small group with them since the beginning and we were married on the same day.  We have children all about the same age together and our lives will be ever connected since J/N are Abe's godparents. I wrote about how thankful we are for J/N here.  We dropped 3 of ours off (E stayed with Linda because L had been asking to keep her) around 5:30 and headed to Red Lobster.  Unfortunately there had an hour wait so we just went to Pei Wei instead.  It had been a while since we ate there and I'm glad we did.  It wasn't crowded and it was nice to share a lettuce wrap.  We don't venture into Raleigh much except to go to the Caldwell house and to Sam's Club.  We had a great dinner together and did a quick Sam's trip before picking up the kids.  N told me that R was sweet and helped clean up after the craft.  Not because she was asked to, but she was just being helpful.  That's always nice to hear about your kids. 
So I couldn't find the picture on FB so I just took a screen shot off of instagram.  I think it's sweet.  All our kids are friends like we are all friends!  You parent out of the strength of your marriage.  Your spouse should still be priority #1 (after God of course.

1 comment:

  1. Just read this because I haven't been keeping up on my Hantla blog reading. Hard to believe we have been friends for so long. We love you guys and are so thankful we get to do life with your family. Thankful every day for how perfectly God knit you into our journey.
