Saturday, July 26, 2014

Ell turns 1

Ell's birthday was a little over-shadowed by B's graduation but we still celebrated her.  May 16th was a Friday and I was home from work so she opened gifts before going to Kristen's house.  She got a few outfits, a baby-doll, and a monkey.  Of course she wasn't really sure why were were excited and singing to her, but she was happy about her baby doll.  While at Kristen's house, she had a cupcake and loved it!  Later at our house she had a piece of graduation cake and a lot of watermelon.

Here are her stats:

18 lbs 10 oz
10th percentile
Walked on May 13th (Tuesday)
Loves pancakes and fruit
Enjoys the attention from her siblings
Wears size 3 diapers
Has 6 teeth (4 on top 2 on bottom)
Blonde hair and blue eyes
Still rides backwards in the infant carrier

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