I wish Easter weekend could happen more often, but it's only once a year. It's still my favorite weekend of the year and it's quickly becoming one of my kids' favorite weekends too. Of course Civitan Camp is a favorite, but Easter is different. It's truly relaxing and fun for all types.
This year was no different except we had more friends join us. The Gillams flew down from North Carolina and the Livingston's drove over from Houston. Our family drove over Thursday night after B got off of work and we made it real late, but everyone was sweet and waited up for us. We quickly went to bed because we had to leave pretty early to pick Jen and the girls up from the airport. I don't remember exactly what time they landed, but they flew from Florida because they had been on Spring Break at Disney. Keith was coming form NC because he still had to work, so his flight was later. After picking up Jen and the girls, we went into New Orleans for a while and walked around and went to Cafe Du Monde. We looked at art and some of the magic shows around Jackson Square.
With Bree Bree making a pit stop |
The line for Beignets |
Tired after walking around New Orleans |
We didn't have enough time to drive back to Hammond, so we went to visit Alyse for a short while. Alyse lives in New Orleans and I hadn't seen her since last year when we ran into her at the Saints game. She has a cute little house with a nice pool in the back, and she lives pretty close to Drew Brees. I'm not sure which house was his, but it's close enough that he and his kids came trick-or-treating at Alyse's house last year. It was just a way for us to pass the time. Jen and all the kids were still in the van watching a movie and cooling off from our New Orleans walk. Keith's flight arrived without problems and after he loaded up, we headed back to Hammond. C/H Bryant were at Uncle Charles' house as well as most of the usual family that is there early. Rob and Maria made their way over Friday night after they checked into their hotel. Dad and Ella rented a bounce house that had been set up so that was a huge hit for the kids. After a while, the 6 adults (B/K, K/J, and R/M) went to Canes for a little time away from the kids. We left my dad in charge of all the kids and we figured they would just play outside. When it was bed time, B set the tent up for the 6 kids, and K/J stayed in our normal room. B and I set up our air mattress in the front room (where all the shoes are kept) but that was a mistake because the young people were singing karaoke on the carport (right outside our room). It was loud, very loud. Just imagine a bunch of young adults (late 20's) all drunk and singing bad karaoke. We did not get much sleep that night.
Shopping trip for the weekend |
gotta have beer |
Some of the crowd |
Bryce teaching the Easter story |
brothers cooking crawfish |
We had a bounce house this year for kids |
I woke up early and went for a run. Traditionally, B and I help Grandmalupe make beignets so we upheld tradition. I love cooking with GLupe in the kitchen. She's so serious about what she does. Sort of like how she plays cards. I love playing cards with GLupe and she's always my partner. After breakfast, the kids just played outside and we helped get things ready for Uncle Charles. He already had the cookers started and had picked up the crawfish already. We cleaned the tables and got some of the chairs open and ready for guests. I can't even remember who all came, but I know I spent most of my time with the Gillams, Livingstons, Bryants, Bubba & Gily and Mom & Chuck. Jay Men. and his wife were there for the first time, and it seemed like they loved it. Jay's grandfather (Uncle Tony) is G-Lupe's brother, and he lives either in Arizona or Nevada. When Bub and I would visit Tacoma, WA, that's who we would stay with. It was good to see him and for B to meet him. Saturday included the normal Easter story by Bryce for all the kids and then an egg hunt following.
stealing a beignet |
my people |
godparents |
Gily and Ashley |
Bubba |
After the egg hunt, Gram & Granddad took W and E and headed toward Florida because they were going to Disney for the week. They had plans to spend them night in Tallahassee and then drive to Disney on Easter Sunday. They had cute Easter shirts to wear also. The rest of us stayed in Hammond and had a wonderful afternoon. We played kids vs the adults softball, ate more food, and just hung out until the bon fire where we made s'mores. It's always a wonderful time.
Easter lunch with the family |
packing eggs for the hunt |
Loving on Grandmalupe |
god-daughters |
Easter in Disney |
passed out on the way back to TX |
Easter Sunday seemed weird without W and E but we woke up and went church Grandmalupe and Uncle Charles. My mom and Chuck didn't go because they were long gone on the road to Disney. Mass was good and then we headed home to get ready for our Easter family meal. There was a lot of food and a lot of people. The weather was so nice that we set up tables outside and ate under the trees. B blessed the meal and the Livingston's came back to eat with us and J/K were there also. After eating lunch, we took J/K to the airport and then hit the road back to Houston. We wanted to stay longer, but knew that we needed to get back because of work and school.
R and Eli |
BFF's | |
weird not having W & E |
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